Charles (Chuck) D. Baby
Sept. 1, 1929 – July 10, 2005

Chuck was an enthusiast, a restorer and a driver of British sports cars and motorcycles.
As a charter member of the NBCC, Chuck embodied that which portrays total enthusiasm to anything relating to the British automobile. Always quick to help when involved with the NBCC he constantly wore a smile. This award will be presented annually to the NBCC club member that most replicates Chuck’s enthusiasm for our club.

The Award
Each award recipient will be given a personal plaque with their name and year engraved. The club will maintain a large club plaque with the names and dates of all award recipeints. thid plaque will be displayed at the club’s monthly meeting location.
Award Criteria
Enthusiasm will be demonstrated by the individual or couple by meeting the majority of the following criteria.
- Maintaining an NBCC membership in good standing
- Showing consistent enthusiasm within the club for 3 to 5 years
- Showing regular attendance at club meetings and events
- Making an active contribution to the NBCC by serving on the executive or on committees
- Active involvement in the planning, direction and execution of club event(s)
- Owning and driving a British automobile
- Additional activities deemed appropriate by the awards selection committee