Grand River Cruise
Hi Members: The Events Committee with Linda Collacut as our organizer is looking at a cruise on the Grand River on Sunday, August 20. Group sales are now open. It would be helpful for planning purposes to have an approximate number of attendees. The day includes: A planned run (possibly a couple of runs depending... Read more »
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday Morning 10am (rain or shine) at Tim Hortons York Road and Glendale avenue.
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday 10am (rain or shine) at Tim Hortons York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Marshville Heritage Festival
MarshvilleMeet at Tim Hortons 30 Rice Road at Thorold Road Leave Tim Horton's on Rice Road in Welland at 9 o'clock. Jim Collacott will lead Turn left out of Tim's onto Rice Road. It becomes Prince Charles Drive. Stay in the right lane. Over the river we will take the first right, just past Welland... Read more »
NBCC Executive Meeting
Grantham House, 14 Secord Drive, St. CatharinesAt the Grantham House, 14 Secord Drive, St. Catharines
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Polo Match, NOTL
Polo Match The Commons NOTL Saturday, September 10th. Muster 10:00 am. Sandtrap Restaurant 10:45 am. Convoy to the Commons John Street ( near Kinsmen Show site ) 11:00 am. Convoy to ‘ line up ‘ 12:00 pm. Processional Lord Mayor Carriage NBCC/vintage IMPORTANT please RSVP to … by Sept. 8 th. with the following... Read more »
NBCC General Meeting
Burgoyne Woods 70 Edgedale Road, St. Catharines, ON, CanadaGeneral Meeting at Burgoyne woods, 70 Edgedale Road, St. Catharines. Meet at the pavilion. Bring your own chairs, beferage and picnic meal. Eat at 6pm meeting at 7pm.
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
British Car Day, Bronte Creek Provincial Park
Bronte Creek Provincial ParkMeet, Go ‘n Eat
Details to be announced.
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Closing Picnic
5 Anchor Bay, St. Catharines 5 Anchor Bay, St. Catharines, Ontario, CanadaPlace: Bowmans 5 Anchor Bay, St. Catharines Time: 2pm Et Cetera: Bring chairs and refreshments. Beef on a bun will be available. Salads and desert will be provided as per sign-up sheet.
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
NBCC Exec Meeting
Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario St, St. CatharinesGlass Room, Holiday Inn, 6pm
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
NBCC General Meeting
Ostin Room, Holiday Inn, St. Catharines 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, Ontario, CanadaOstin Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Dinner at 6pm, Meting at 7pm
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeCars, 'n Coffee Every Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
NBCC Executive Meeting
Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario St, St. CatharinesGlass Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Steeet, St. Catharines
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
NBCC General Meeting
Ostin Room, Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines , CanadaOstin Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Dinner at 6pm, Meting at 7pm
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars, ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
NBCC Christmas Party
Mandarin Restaurant, St. Catharines, 366 Bunting Road St. CatharinesMandarin St. Catharines Mandarin Restaurant, 366 Bunting Road, St. Cathrines Carleton Street and Bunting Road Cocktails @ 6pm , dinner @7pm, 20% seniors discount Bring a wrapped gift get a wrapped gift, suggested British theme $20
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeCars 'n Coffee
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
NBCC General Meeting
Ostin Room, Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines , CanadaOstin Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Dinner at 6pm, Meting at 7pm
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
NBCC Executive Meeting
Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario St, St. CatharinesNBCC Executive meeting will be held in the Glass Room at the Ostin Restaurant at 6pm. Any member is welcome to attend, this is not a closed meeting.
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
NBCC General Meeting
Ostin Room, Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines , CanadaOstin Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Dinner at 6pm, Meting at 7pm
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
NBCC Executive Meeting
Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, Glass RoomNBCC Executive meeting will be held in the Glass Room at the Ostin Restaurant at 6pm. Any member is welcome to attend, this is not a closed meeting.
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
NBCC General Meeting
Ostin Room, Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines , CanadaOstin Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Dinner at 6pm, Meting at 7pm
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Brave Souls Run
37 Elm Street, Grimsby, Ontario, CanadaMuster point: Port Dalhousie Parking Lot Muster time: 10:30am Departure time: 11am Destination: Grimsby, Elm Street Café, 63 Main Street West
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Ancaster British Car Show and Flea Market
Ancaster Fair Grounds, 630 Trinity Road, Hwy 52 at Wilson Rd. W., Ancaster, Ontario Admission $8
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
NBCC Executive Meeting
Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines, Glass RoomNBCC Executive meeting will be held in the Glass Room at the Ostin Restaurant at 6pm. Any member is welcome to attend, this is not a closed meeting.
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
NBCC General Meeting
Ostin Room, Parkway Social/Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines , CanadaOstin Room, Holiday Inn, 327 Ontario Street, St. Catharines Dinner at 6pm, Meting at 7pm
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Open Studio – Floyd Elzinga
Floyd Elzinga 3841 Mountain Road, Beamsville, ON, Canada Muster at Boo's Bar and Eatery, 2980 King Street, Jordan Station at 9:30 - 10am for breakfast 11am depart
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeNiagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars 'n Coffee
Car Show at Oakwood Park Lodge in Niagara Falls
Oakwood Park Lodge 6747 Oakwood Drive, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Please join us on Saturday, June 17 at Oakwood Park Lodge in Niagara Falls (not far from Niagara Square) for a static car show from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Let’s show these seniors some fun and love, the kind we would want for our parents. Their residence is celebrating Father’s Day, a day... Read more »
Blossom Run
Muster at Chippawa Fire Department, 8696 Banting Avenue, Chippawa Muster time 9am, depart 10am. Destination the Sandtrap, NOTL Detailed instructions to follow
Car Show at Canadian Military Heritage Museum, Brantford
Canadian Military Heritage Museum 347 Greenwich St., Brantford, Ontario, CanadaCar Show - Victoria Day - May 22 Canadian Military Heritage Museum 347 Greenwich St. Brantford, Ont. N3S 7V1 10am - 2pm For more information : 519-759-1313 entrance by donation.
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Every Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Opening BBQ
Bowmans 5 Anchor Bay, St. Catharines, ON, CanadaAt the Joy and Bruce Bowman home
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeEvery Wednesday at 10am Timmies York Road and Glendale Avenue.
Classic 2023
Crossings Pub & Eatery 1269 Hyde Park Rd., London, ON, CanadaThe British Sports Car Club of London presents Classic 2023 at Crossings Pub & Eatery $20 per car Saturday June 3 from 9am
The British Invasion, V2.0
Locust Lane Winery, 4041 Locust Lane Beamsville, Ontario, Beamsville, Ontario, CanadaClick for poster: British Invasion invite The Niagara British Car Club, in association with the Locust Lane Estate Winery, invite you and your LBC to participate in “The British Invasion, V2.0”
Cool Cars 4 Kids
McMaster University Campus, Parking Lot M 1280 main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaMcMaster University Campus Parking Lot M 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton For info
NBCC Executive Meeting
The Moffetts 7 Jolie Court, St. Catharines, ON, CanadaAt the Moffetts
Niagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars ‘n Coffee
Tim Hortons, 495 York Rd, (at Glendale Avenue), Niagara-on-the-LakeNiagara British Coffee Club (NBCC) hosts Cars 'n Coffee